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Industrial products in a sentence

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Sentence count:51+1Posted:2017-06-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: industrialindustrialistindustrializeindustrializedindustrial complexindustrial sectorindustrializationindustrialisation
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31. This thesis is divided into three parts to research the solution marketing implementation in the high-tech industrial products in the Semi-finished Product Industry.
32. How do you do? I'm from the Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation.
33. We have been handling light industrial products for 20 years.
34. We mainly trade in footwear, bags, clothing and other light industrial products.
35. As important renewable biomass of forest rejectamenta and agricultural residues, salix psammophila can substitute fossil resource and be used to produce biology fuel and other industrial products.
36. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a statecorporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products.
36. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
37. Over the years, the optical lens control of industrial products to Germany and Japan.
38. Mohofone (Shenzhen) Trading Co. , Ltd. was established in 2000 in Shenzhen China, an advanced and all-round international trading enterprise, professional agent of equipment and industrial products.
39. China has already archived the free convertibility of the RMB under the current account, and the average tariff rate for industrial products is expected to drop to 10 percent by the year 2005.
40. We specialize in the export of Chinese Light Industrial Products.
41. Industrial products: Active Carbon, Mica , Limestone , Quick Lime, Silica , P ; astic Pellet , Medicine , Tablet, Ore(, Etc.
42. The scissors difference between the industrial products and the agricultural products lead to economic loss when farmers sell their products.
43. Imports and exports of goods mainly are primary products and industrial products.
44. The ancient recordation, biological classification, sources, chemical components, pharmacological effects, industrial products and patents of Syngnathidae were introduced in this paper.
45. Specialized in plastic toys, handicrafts, daily necessities, ceramics and other light industrial products export business.
46. We wish to enter into business relations with your corporation for supply of light industrial products.
47. The interest has become one important character in the modern aesthesis of industrial products, the design which full of interest are more suitable for people's emotional needs.
48. Other industrial products are mainly coal, zirconia, powder metallurgy, corundum and so on.
49. Target customers -consumer products aimed at mass markets rely mainly on advertising, whereas business or industrial products (with a narrower target market) usually rely more on personal selling.
50. Firms selling industrial products generally emphasize personal selling in their promotion mixes and use advertising, sales promotion, and publicity to support personal selling efforts.
51. Recently, the need for acceptance sampling of bulk materials has increased especially for industrial products, such as powder chemicals or plastic beads.
More similar words: industrialindustrialistindustrializeindustrializedindustrial complexindustrial sectorindustrializationindustrialisationindustrial revolutionindustrial capitalismgross national productmilitary-industrial complexindustriousproductproductionproductiveindustryproductivelyproductivityreproductionreproductiveproduction costover productionmass productionheavy industrycounterproductiveproduction factorsprimary productionproduction managerinfant industry
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